Drying principles

The cell is the room that stores the wood during the drying cycle. Its size evolves according to the monthly volume of dried wood. The dimensions of these cells are made to measure and depend on the nature of the dried wood.

We heat both the wood and the ambient air to allow the wood to be dried. However, the temperature and humidity parameters must be controlled to achieve optimal drying. The free water as well as the water bound to the wood is evaporated.

The dryer regulation is used to control and optimize the drying cycle. Our solutions allow to control the production cycle and to access information in real time, up to data recording (especially used for ISPM15 processing).
A range of tailored offers
Ways designs, manufactures and installs dehumidification lumber dryers using the best of technology to minimize your costs and your ecological footprint while offering an extremely efficient cost of use.
wAys puts its know-how at your service and constantly innovates in all drying modes. The understanding of our customers’ needs has led us to create 3 offers that combine efficiency and ecological optimization.